Take This Simple Quiz

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Did you Get what you Paid for?

Oh my God, I get so tired of hearing the hype. You all know exactly what I'm talking about so I don't need to give you examples. The question you need to ask yourself as you sit with buyers remorse and some piece of hyperspace code now on your hard drive, is: DID YOU GET WHAT YOU PAID FOR?

I have bought stuff and I have been ripped off, I have bought stuff and I have gotten more than I paid for, but this post is to be short and sweet to say if you want to be sure you will get what you paid for, buy from someone who always over delivers.


Wether it is some of his training, his books from Amazon, or his free courses. This is a man who can be trusted.

Enough said. No Hype.

A few links of Marks:
Irresitible Offer
Legal Corporate Espionage
Simpleology 101
Simpleology 201
Mind Control Marketing
7 Day Business Turnaround
Partner With Mark

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Did you Get what you Paid for?

Oh my God, I get so tired of hearing the hype. You all know exactly what I'm talking about so I don't need to give you examples. The question you need to ask yourself as you sit with buyers remorse and some piece of hyperspace code now on your hard drive, is: DID YOU GET WHAT YOU PAID FOR?

I have bought stuff and I have been ripped off, I have bought stuff and I have gotten more than I paid for, but this post is to be short and sweet to say if you want to be sure you will get what you paid for, buy from someone who always over delivers.


Wether it is some of his training, his books from Amazon, or his free courses. This is a man who can be trusted.

Enough said. No Hype.

A few links of Marks:
Irresitible Offer
Legal Corporate Espionage
Simpleology 101
Simpleology 201
Mind Control Marketing
7 Day Business Turnaround
Partner With Mark

And the Survey Says........!

The survey says You get paid!

Yep you get paid if you complete the survey. But what if you don't complete the survey? Well you don't get paid of course.

So why would you not complete the survey? Maybe your internet connection went down, maybe you were called away, or maybe the company that is conducting the survey doesn't think you are a good fit for the information they are asking about. The latter is the number one reason survey takers do not complete the survey, they answer a question and the survey says......Thank You, and GoodBye, half way through. "HEY! What'd I do? Why are you kickin me out? I wanna get Paid for this!" Well it's not what you did, it's what you didn't do.

Getting paid to take online surveys is a very popular and lucrative online past time. You can potentially participate in several surveys each day, taking anywhere from 5 to 20 mins. each and get paid a few dollars each or earn a gift card to any one of a million online vendors such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, LLBean to name a few. These are not piddly little discounts, they are cash in hand like $25 to spend in your local CVS, or a local restaurant. And you can easily get 3-4 or more of these every month along with the cash deposited in your PayPal account that can be upwards of several hundred dollars.

So let's get back to "What you didn't do".

Paid online surveys are sincere and serious. The advertising company, not the survey company, is paying serious money to the survey company and the participants to get Real, Honest information so they can target the marketing campaign they are planning. What they want is people to give them honest and reliable information. Such as..."Do you drive a Hybrid Car?" Well if you do, great. They want to ask you more about your hybrid, what make and model, what mileage, etc. If you do not, they have no further questions for you so "Thank You and GoodBye". If you do not own the hybrid and you say you do your information will not fit into the survey and chances are you will get bumped our in the next 2-3 questions. So you won't get paid and you wasted your time.

What you need to DO is very simple. When you join a survey group, they have Profile questions, like little mini surveys about You. If you complete these honestly the survey company now has an accurate profile of you and will only send you surveys that will fit your profile. BINGO! You complete the surveys and you get paid. Very simply put, why would the company looking for feedback about the latest mens quad razor send the survey to a woman?

So you can take a good profile to the Bank!